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Coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath can all be caused by asthma, but they can be caused by other conditions, too. It’s critical to get a proper diagnosis. If your child is diagnosed with asthma, you’ll need to talk with your doctor. Here are some questions to start the conversation:
The Asthma Action Plan can be shared with your child’s school nurse, teachers, team coaches, family members and anyone who regularly spends time with your child.
Having a regular doctor manage your child’s asthma is key to keeping asthma under control and your child out of the emergency department. If you haven’t already, take the first step. Schedule an appointment with a doctor.
Originally published: 6/21/2016; Revised 2020, 2022, 2024
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
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