Addiction: 5 Things You Should Know

Addiction: 5 Things You Should Know
2 minute read time

Do you wonder what causes addiction? Do you wish you could help someone who struggles with alcohol or drug misuse? Here are five things to keep in mind.

1. There is no such thing as a typical addict.
The most recent survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reveals more than 70 million Americans ages 12 and older said they used illegal drugs in 2023. Millions more misused prescription medications. The stats about alcohol — the most popular drug in the U.S. — are even more stark.  About 134.7 million Americans 12 or older said they had alcohol in the past month. About 45.6 percent of them were binge drinkers.

The numbers reflect a sobering fact: Addiction affects people of all ages, races and socioeconomic backgrounds.

2. Addiction is a brain disease.
Over the past few decades, scientists have gained a better understanding of how addiction works. We now know it develops when pleasure centers in the brain get overwhelmed. If the brain is overwhelmed often enough, it begins to change and no longer functions like it should.

These permanent changes cause problems. Focus, memory, learning, decision-making and judgement are all affected. Drug misuse isn’t a conscious, rational decision. It’s a habit engrained in a rewired brain. An addict craves drugs even though they know they're bad for them.

Key to helping a loved one addicted to drugs or alcohol is remembering addiction is a brain disease, not a sign of weakness or poor character.

3. Addiction is treatable.
Most addicts can’t get sober without help. Treatment for drug misuse or alcoholism can occur in a variety of settings. Sometimes, it requires admission to a hospital. It may include medication, psychotherapy and family therapy. In every setting, the goal is to remove drugs or alcohol from a person’s life. To do so, treatment must address the physical, psychological, emotional and social issues that trigger drug misuse.

4. Teen ‘users’ are more likely to become grown-up addicts.
The younger a person starts misusing drugs or alcohol, the greater their chance of becoming an addict.

Think your kids are immune? Studies show nearly half of all young people use an illegal drug by the time they graduate from high school. Parents need to take teen drinking and drug misuse seriously. Don’t dismiss it as normal experimentation.

5. Recovery is hard.
Family members and addicts should understand treatment is not the same as a cure. Relapse can be discouraging to family members and devastating to addicts. Remember, relapse is not the same as failure. If you are supporting a loved one through treatment and recovery, know that he or she will likely need your support for a long time.

Sources: SAMHSA Releases Annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health, leaving site icon U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2024; How an Addicted Brain Works,  leaving site icon Yale Medicine, 2022; Understanding the Science of Addiction, leaving site icon Clear Behavioral Health, 2024; Drugs and Young People, MedlinePlus, leaving site icon 2024

Originally published 12/32015; Revised 2022, 2024