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Now’s the time to catch up on vaccines, before the busy back-to-school rush.
Children need vaccines to stay healthy, from when they are babies to their teens. Getting vaccines on time during childhood is vital. It gives immunity before children are exposed to diseases. And children must get some vaccines before they can go to school.
Children in the U.S. get vaccines that protect them from more than a dozen diseases, including:
Most of these diseases are now at their lowest levels in history, thanks to years of immunization. But children still die each year in the U.S. from diseases that can be prevented by vaccines. They are a vital part of children’s preventive care and help stop disease outbreaks.
The diseases that childhood vaccines are meant to prevent are most likely to happen when children are young. That’s also when the chance of complications is greatest. That makes early vaccination — sometimes starting shortly after birth — essential. If you put off vaccines until a child is older, it might be too late.
Yes, vaccines are safe. Vaccines go through years of safety testing by the Food and Drug Administration to make sure they are safe. Many of them work by exposing the body to a very small amount of weak or dead versions of germs or viruses. The immune system then builds up resources to fight those bugs in the future. Vaccines have slowed or stopped the spread of polio, measles, mumps and other serious diseases.
The most common side effects are often very mild, such as pain or swelling at the shot site.
Researchers have not found a link between autism and childhood vaccines. The study that started the talk years ago was retracted.
The CDC recommends that children and teens get their shots at certain ages:
Infant to 2 years: Starting vaccines from birth can help protect your child against hepatitis A and B, rotavirus, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, Hib, pneumococcal disease, polio, flu, measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox.
3 to 6 years: Continue with vaccines that protect against polio, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox. Also continue with yearly flu shots.
7 to 13 years: Preteen vaccines can help protect against HPV, meningitis, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis. Also continue with yearly flu shots.
14 to 18 years: Getting recommended vaccines, including a meningitis shot, and a yearly flu shot through age 18 can help your teen stay healthy.
Ask your child’s doctor about vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccine. It’s best to get the facts you need from a medical professional you can trust. Don’t make health choices based on stories you’ve seen on TV or the internet or heard from other parents.
We offer Wellness Guidelines each year that include specific recommendations for preventive care, immunizations and screenings for adults and children. Check out the Wellness Guidelines to find out what preventive care you and your family need to stay healthy.
Do you know that records of all the vaccines you and your family receive can be stored in one secure and convenient place?
VaxView is a portal to the Oklahoma State Immunization Information System, the vaccine registry run by the Oklahoma Department of Health. It keeps an electronic record of all participants’ vaccines in one secure place.
And with your permission, immunization records can be shared with health care providers, schools, workplaces and others who need the information from you.
Only authorized doctors, nurses and health care professionals are allowed to search the registry and update its records.
Originally published 5/26/2021; Revised 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
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