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Have you reviewed your post-discharge care instructions? Are you watching for warning signs that could mean you need medical attention? Do you know who to call with questions and concerns?
Make a list to help you remember things you need to take care of while you recover. Here's a starter list:
Survey your home for safety hazards that could derail your recovery. Pay attention to things that can boost your risk for a nasty fall. Move electrical cords and throw rugs out of the way. Make sure small pets don’t get underfoot and trip you up. Add grab bars near the tub and toilet, and consider a shower seat. Place a night light in the bathroom to make it easier to see. Finally, think about any assistance you may need with daily cooking, bathing, dressing and grooming. Ask for help if you need it.
It’s important to be aware of your emotional health after a hospital stay. Many times, receiving a new diagnosis can cause sadness, depression or anxiety.
Individuals with congestive heart failure, cancer or other major health concerns often experience those feelings. Ask your doctor for help. You may be referred to a local chapters of the American Heart Association or American Cancer Society
that offer resources for patients and caregivers.
These tips can help you stay positive after a hospital stay.
The Family Caregiver Alliance offers tips for caregivers and patients to ease the shift from hospital to home.
Many communities offer a wide range of resources, including support groups for caregivers and families helping someone with an illness.
Originally published 7/17/2019; Revised 2021, 2024
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
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