• Get Ready for Open Enrollment

    If you want to buy a new individual and family health plan or choose a different one, get the details you need before open enrollment starts on Nov. 1. Break the task into easy-to-handle steps. Keep the Deadlines in Mind Open enrollment ends Jan...
  • Have You Had Your Health Screenings This Year?

    Your annual wellness visit and health screenings play an important role in catching small health problems before they become big ones. Add your annual exam and health screenings to your to-do list to make sure they get done. If you still need so...
  • Take Care of Yourself When You Take Care of Others

    Look around and you’re bound to see a lot of caregivers. In the U.S., one in three adults care for others. They may be caring for elderly parents, a sick spouse or disabled child. Being a caregiver can be stressful and demanding. It often lead.....
  • Cómo un medicamento se convierte en genérico: mitos y verdades

    Tomar un medicamento genérico no es como comprar un jabón de una marca genérica de una tienda específica. Con el jabón, es posible que notes algunas diferencias. Por ejemplo, puede oler diferente y es posible que te...
  • Soap vs. Sanitizer: Is There a Hands-Down Winner for Getting Clean?

    Germs. They’re everywhere you don’t want them to be. You can’t see them, but they’re waiting. Germs are lurking on the handrail of every stairway you use. The same handrail a woman gripped right after coughing into her hand. N...
  • Reaching Out Can Make You Feel Better

    Loneliness hurts. People often feel isolated or wish they had more friends. Those feelings happen to people of all ages, even if they are busy and spend time around people. Studies show relationships are key for overall wellbeing. People ...
  • ¿Vapear es tan malo para tu salud como fumar?

    Una de las peores cosas que puedes hacer por tus pulmones y tu salud en general es fumar. Pero muchos aún no saben que vapear también es peligroso. Aunque los expertos expresaron su preocupación desde el principio, no todos recib...
  • ¿Es un resfriado, alergia o COVID-19?

    Si estás resfriado, estornudando, tosiendo o con dolor de garganta, puede ser difícil saber si son los síntomas de alergia, resfriado, gripe, COVID-19 o virus respiratorio sincitial (RSV, en inglés). Hasta que no sepas con...
  • COPD: When Lungs Break, the Heart Often Follows

    “To breathe is to live, and without breath there is no life.” The mantra is a basic tenet of yoga. Nothing is clearer for those who struggle to breathe. If you suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), every breath can be ...
  • Your Doctor Helps Make Sure Your Services Are Covered

    Your doctors work closely with your health plan to ensure it covers the care they prescribe. As a smart health care consumer, it’s good to know about all the steps your care provider takes so you can get the most out of your health plan when yo....
  • Ways to Fit In Fitness

    It isn’t hard to think up a reason to skip a workout. Many of us do it. If we find ourselves in a time crunch, exercise often gets the boot. Who has an extra hour to spend walking several miles, sweating in a gym or taking a yoga cl...
  • Wellness vs. Well-being: More Than a Number

    It wasn’t that long ago that worksite wellness simply focused on physical health. Remember all those walking contests? What about the “no-soda” pledges? Food diaries and calorie tracking? Thankfully, the experts have come around to ...
  • Cuatro hispanos pioneros en la medicina que mejoraron nuestras vidas

    Fueron pioneros, tomadores de riesgos y médicos dedicados decididos a aportar algo mejor al mundo, algo que transcendía más allá de sus atributos personales. Durante el Mes de la Herencia Hispana (del 15 de septiembre al 1...
  • Why Meningitis Travels Fast and How You Can Prevent It

    If you lived on campus during your college years, chances are your school required a meningitis vaccine. With good reason. The disease is common among children and young adults. Close contact in school classrooms, daycare centers and dorms are perfec...
  • Compassionate Management: Nice Guys Finish First

    They are questions parents and managers often ask. Is it better to be nice so people like you? Or does tough-love get more results? Are people more responsive when you demand respect and hard work? Most people think it’s better to be tough. Aft....