• How Do You Help a Teen With an Eating Disorder?

    Teens see very thin models on TV and touched-up pictures of celebrities online. These images are everywhere, and they make many teens question the way they look. While it’s normal for teens to worry about their bodies, it may put them at risk .....
  • Oh, Sugar! Less is Best for Lower Disease Risk

    You may crave something sugary, but our bodies don’t work best on sweets. Simple sugars, often found in sweets and snack foods, give us “empty” calories. Although they may give us a short-lived energy boost, they mainly add calorie...
  • Kids and Sports Concussions: Things to Know

    We all know that a concussion can be serious, but many of us don’t know its symptoms. Do you know what to do if your child gets one? Young children, teenagers and young adults have a higher risk because their brains are still developing. H...
  • ¿Qué es la Coordinación de Beneficios?

    Cuando necesitas atención médica y cuentas con dos coberturas médicas diferentes, las aseguradoras coordinarán los servicios con cobertura. Esto te ayuda a obtener la cobertura máxima cuando lo necesites. Si cuentas...
  • Que el asma inducida por el ejercicio no te deje fuera de juego

    David Beckham es uno de los jugadores de fútbol más conocidos de todos los tiempos. Roy Hibbert ha sido un All-Star de la NBA en dos ocasiones. La nadadora Amy Van Dyken ganó seis medallas de oro en dos Juegos Olímpicos.&...
  • Don’t Be Sidelined by Exercise-Induced Asthma

    David Beckham is one of the best-known soccer players of all time. Roy Hibbert is a two-time NBA All-Star. Swimmer Amy Van Dyken is a six-time Olympic gold medalist. What do these athletes all have in common? They all live with asthma. B...
  • Try the Mediterranean Lifestyle for Healthy Living

    A warm golden sun. A shimmering blue sea. Meals filled with mouth-watering fresh fruits, earthy whole grains, beans and potatoes. Their distinctive flavors enhanced with local olive oil. Sounds pretty good, right? The people of Ikaria, Greece, enjoy...
  • Health Insurance Options for Oklahoma College Students

    The semester is well underway and college students are hitting the books to prepare for tests, papers and extra credit. If you're one of them, there is one thing you may not have thought to prepare for — what to do if you get sick. Even if you ....
  • ¿Qué es la enfermedad cardíaca?

    Las enfermedades cardíacas son la causa principal de muerte tanto para hombres y mujeres en Estados Unidos. Según los Centros para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC, en inglés), uno de cada quatro estad...
  • What is Heart Disease?

    Heart disease is a leading killer of men and women in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reveals one in four Americans die of heart disease every year. With so much at stake, it’s smart to know the warning signs.....
  • La conexión entre el trastorno bipolar y la diabetes

    Aproximadamente seis millones de adultos, adolescentes y niños padecen de trastorno bipolar (BD, en inglés). Este suele diagnosticarse antes de los 25 años y, una vez que se presenta, la enfermedad no desaparece. Aquellos que pa...
  • Cómo encontrar maneras de lidiar con situaciones estresantes

    El estrés forma parte de la vida, desde cuestiones que no tienen mucha importancia hasta eventos traumáticos mayores. Ya que las respuestas biológicas del cuerpo ante el estrés pueden dañar tu salud mental y f&iacut...
  • What Exactly Is Asthma?

    In the United States, more than 27 million people have asthma. Nearly 4.5 million of them are children under the age of 18. Why are children so vulnerable? With asthma, the lungs and airways can easily become inflamed. They swell and narr...
  • Cosas que debes saber sobre la conmoción cerebral en los niños y el deporte

    Todos sabemos que una conmoción cerebral puede ser grave, pero muchos desconocemos sus síntomas. ¿Sabes qué hacer si tu hijo sufre una conmoción cerebral? Los niños pequeños, los adolescentes y los ad...
  • Tired of Allergies? Take these Steps

    Are the sneezes, sniffles, scratchy throat and itchy eyes from seasonal allergies getting you down? It may be time to step up your treatment. Fighting Fall Allergies Seasonal allergies are always around. But based on what triggers your allergies...