• ¿Cansado de tener alergias? Sigue estos pasos

    ¿Las alergias estacionales te están agobiando con estornudos, nariz que gotea, e irritación de ojos y garganta? Puede ser hora de escalar tu tratamiento. Combatir las alergias otoñales Las alergias estacionales siempre es...
  • How Talking About Suicide Can Help

    Talking about suicide is an effective way to help prevent it. But it’s vital to know what to say. We can all help prevent suicide, says 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline . This national network of local crisis centers wants everyone to kno...
  • Protect Yourself with Careful Diabetes Management

    Everything you do to take care of yourself helps you lead a better life. And if you have diabetes, making healthy life choices and working with your doctor can help save you from bigger health problems later. Diabetes is all about blood sugar and...
  • Protect Your Skin While Enjoying the Sunshine

    Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. Fortunately, most skin cancers are highly treatable when found early. And the best news is that you can take steps to prevent them. That involves protecting your skin and being on the lookout for sk...
  • Combate la gripe: vacúnate

    Muchas personas no saben que pueden contraer influenza, la enfermedad respiratoria que a menudo llamamos "gripe", en cualquier época del año. Los virus de la gripe suelen alcanzar su punto máximo entre diciembre y febrero .&...
  • Insurance Basics: Out-of-Pocket Maximum

    We know health care terms can be confusing. One you’re sure to run across is “out-of-pocket maximum.” What does it mean? How does it affect you and your family? How does it influence your choice of health plan? You share the cost of...
  • Plan Year Ending Soon? Make the Most of It

    If you’re the kind of person who needs a deadline to get things done, there may be a big one just around the corner. If your health plan year is ending soon, it’s a good time to review your health benefits. Doing so could be a boost to yo...
  • Don’t Let the Flu Sneak Up on You

    Many people don’t know that they can get influenza — the respiratory disease we often call the flu — any time of the year. Flu viruses usually peak between December and February . But cases of flu usually start to increas...
  • Los medicamentos genéricos comparados con los medicamentos de marca

    Entender la diferencia entre los medicamentos genéricos y los medicamentos de marca puede ayudarte a ahorrar en los costos de los medicamentos recetados. Información básica sobre los medicamentos genéricos Los medicamentos...
  • Prepárate para el regreso a clases con un plan para combatir el asma

    Cada nuevo año escolar tomas medidas para que tu hijo se prepare para el regreso a clases. Pero si tiene asma, esta preparación requiere una medida adicional. Según la Fundación de Asma y Alergias de Estados Unidos , ...
  • Tres maneras de apoyar la salud mental de tu hijo adolescente

    Los adolescentes enfrentan más desafíos que nunca. Sufren presión en la escuela, con los amigos y en las redes sociales. No es de extrañar que su salud mental pueda verse afectada. No tienes que esperar hasta que tu hijo a...
  • Choose the Right Sunglasses to Protect Your Eyes

    Dark sunglasses are more than a stylish accessory. They protect your eyes from ultraviolet (UV) rays that can damage the retinas. Sun protection for your eyes may not be the first thing you think about before you head outdoors, but it’s just as....
  • What Is SPF and Which Sunscreen Should I Use?

    Before heading out for a BBQ, a day at the beach, or afternoon by the pool, don’t forget to apply sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. You’ve probably seen them displayed in your local store: sunscreens ...
  • Depresión: Cómo obtener ayuda

    Si eres una de las muchas personas que está considerando recibir ayuda para tratar la depresión, tu médico de atención primaria es la persona ideal a la que tienes que acudir para comenzar. Toma el primer paso Como asegur...
  • Women Can Lower Their Risk for Cancer

    Taking care of yourself to cut your chances of getting cancer is a great health goal. But how exactly can you do that? Preventive care, including health screenings, is the place to start. The aim is to prevent cancer or find it early, when it is...