• Protect Those Pretty Peepers

    Our eyes are a vital part of our health, but it’s easy to take them for granted. It’s important to make sure you keep them healthy. Here’s how you can keep your eyes healthy and injury-free. Have a yearly comprehensive dilated eye...
  • Can Turning to Technology Help You Get Fit?

    Want to get more exercise, but something often seems to get in the way? You’re tired. You think you don’t have time. Or you just forget. We know we need exercise to feel better and help prevent obesity, heart disease and other health prob...
  • Cáncer de colon: conoce las señales de advertencia

    A nadie le gusta hablar sobre el cáncer de colon. Y eso está bien, siempre y cuando tomes medidas para prevenirlo. Al fin, el cáncer de colon es la segunda causa principal de muerte por cáncer en los Estados Uni...
  • Colon Cancer: Know the Warning Signs

    No one likes to talk about colon cancer. And that’s OK, as long as you take action. After all, colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. You can take steps to protect yourself. March is Colorectal Can...
  • Are You In the Money? Or In the Red?

    When you think about taking better care of yourself, what are the first things that come to mind? Do you think about eating more fruits and veggies? Maybe you decide to exercise more, get more sleep or finally get that long-overdue annual checku...
  • ¿Padece diabetes? A continuación, le brindamos más información sobre lo que esto implica

    La mayoría de los alimentos que consumimos se convierten en glucosa (es decir, azúcar). Nuestros cuerpos usan este azúcar para alimentar nuestras células con la energía que necesitan para funcionar de manera correct...
  • In-Home Diabetes Care: The Importance of Moving

    Diabetes management is about more than food and medication. It's important to stay physically active, too. When you exercise, your muscles use sugar for energy. This helps reduce glucose levels without added insulin. A study by Mayo Clinic found...
  • Nurseline: Get Your Questions Answered

    Health issues don’t always follow a 9-to-5 schedule. Sometimes, problems and questions come up at the worst possible times (like 8 o’clock on a Friday night, or when you’re on your way to a family reunion). It's tempting to hop on t...
  • Tips for Using Your HMO

    There’s a better way to use your health maintenance organization (HMO) plan. Start with your primary care provider (PCP). Your PCP knows how to help you get the health care you need. It’s an important relationshi...
  • Fending Off the Flu Bug

    It’s flu season. No one wants to suffer through the aches, pains and general misery of being down and out with the flu virus. So what’s your plan to avoid it? You could stay home and avoid contact with all other humans. You could tr...
  • Ahorra tiempo y dinero con Provider Finder

    Hay mucho en qué pensar al decidir dónde obtener atención médica: costo, redes, ubicación y más. Mantenerte informado no tiene qué ser complicado. Tenemos recursos disponibles para ayudarte a tomar la ...
  • Why Aren’t You Sleeping?

    Feeling more groggy than usual? You know you’re not waking up refreshed from a good night’s sleep. But what’s keeping you from sleeping? Turns out, there are many potential obstacles to getting and staying asleep. You can improve yo...
  • Learn About Different Levels of Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment

    Would you know what to do if a friend or family member needed help with a mental health or substance use issue? What kind of help would they need? Who could help? Not knowing what to do can be scary and confusing. But there are many things you can...
  • Wait, That's Sugar, Too?

    If you’re trying to watch your weight, chances are you’ve indulged in something sweet with a sugar substitute. It seems like a good way to enjoy a treat without all the calories, right? These sugar substitutes are often made from high-int...
  • Factores de riesgo de la diabetes

    Si pudiera evitar una enfermedad que cambia la vida, lo haría, ¿cierto? Pues, conocer los factores de riesgo de la diabetes y hacer algo para controlarlos, puede marcar la diferencia para millones de estadounidenses que tienen riesgo d...