• You Have Options for Safely Managing Your Pain

    There are many ways to treat pain so that you can enjoy a better quality of life. Learning your options can help keep you safe while still allowing you to do what matters to you. Start by talking to your doctor about ways to manage your pain t.....
  • Healthy Living with Asthma

    Your child has asthma. Now what? First, know you’re not alone. Asthma is the most common long-term disease in children. Millions of families do everything they can to keep their children’s asthma under control. Learning how to keep asthma...
  • Expecting a Baby? Check Out Our Maternity Checklist

    Preparing for the arrival of a little one? Congratulations! You probably have a lot on your mind. Choosing baby names and setting up a nursery are likely two of them. Here's another to remember: making the most of your maternity coverage benefits...
  • Boost Your Health with Strength Training

    New research says strength training may help people live longer. While that likelihood requires more study, there is solid proof that building your muscles can help your body and overall health. We already know that muscle-strengthening effort is...
  • Curious About the Benefits of Taking a Break from Alcohol?

    Wonder what taking a break from alcohol can do for your mind and body? Maybe even more than you think. New research suggests that drinking even modest amounts of alcohol isn’t good for you. You don’t have to have a problem with alcohol to...
  • Ah-Choo! Welcome to Spring Allergy Season

    Allergy sufferers know, spring brings more than April showers and May flowers. It also brings allergies. The sneezing, itchy and watery eyes — along with other cold-like symptoms — are often known as hay fever. In reality,...
  • Having a Health Care Procedure? You Could Earn Cash with Members Rewards*

    Did you know you can shop and compare costs for over 1,700 health care procedures online using our Provider Finder® tool? Just like shopping for new tires for your car or a new computer, doing a little comparison shopping can really pay off.&nbsp...
  • Lowering the Risk of Opioid Misuse

    The opioid crisis was declared a national “public health emergency” back in 2017. Since the alarm was sounded, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says opioid addiction, overdose and deaths are still on the rise in the U...
  • ¡La prediabetes se puede revertir! Evita la diabetes reduciendo tu consumo de azúcar

    ¿Deseas escuchar buenas noticias sobre la diabetes? Para muchos de nosotros, la enfermedad se puede retardar o incluso prevenir haciendo algunos cambios simples a nuestro estilo de vida.
  • Prediabetes Can Be Reversed

    Want to hear some good news about diabetes? For many of us, the disease can be delayed or even prevented with a few simple lifestyle changes. This is important because diabetes affects more than 37 million people in the U.S. That’s about one o.....
  • Is Your Pharmacy In-Network?

    It makes sense to make sure your health provider is in the network before you make an appointment. When you use an in-network care provider and facility, you get the most from your health insurance plan. The same is true with your pharmacy. When...
  • Wellness U: Dating Abuse in College

    College is a special time. It’s about discovery and growing into adulthood. It’s about pursuing your passions and carving a path for your future. Dating is likely to be part of the mix, too. For many, dating may be casual fun. For others,...
  • Understanding Thyroid Cancer

    Do you know where your thyroid is? Do you know what it does? Small and unassuming, most of us don’t pay it much attention to it. Still, the butterfly-shaped gland makes important hormones. These hormones regulate our metabolism – the way ...
  • Fuel Your Brain: What Foods Support Mental Health?

    If you pay attention, your body will tell you if what you’re eating is good for it or not. You may feel energized after a healthy meal. Revived from drinking a tall glass of water. Or you may feel sluggish if you eat too much. Or uncomfortable ....
  • Not Sleeping Well? Done Right, Daily Activity Can Help

    If sleeping doesn’t come easy, you’ve probably already tried a few things you thought might help. If they didn’t help, there may be another option — more activity each day. It may seem odd to say that more activity can help yo...