• What If You Can’t Afford a Health Plan?

    Shopping for health insurance can spark a few questions. Cost is always a big one. Wondering if you can afford a plan? You're not alone. As you check your options, remember there are resources that may help you pay for coverage. Health Plan Prices...
  • What Should I Ask When Shopping for a Plan?

    You now have more choices than ever when it comes to health insurance plans. Whether you buy directly from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, the Health Insurance Marketplace or a licensed insurance agent, it’s easy to compare plans ...
  • Twins on Insulin

    Jamie is the proud mom of twin boys. Healthy, happy, active boys who keep her on her toes. When they were seven, Jamie's intuition told her something was up with the youngest, Nate. He just wasn’t acting like himself. She never imagined di...
  • ¿Qué es una cobertura HMO?

    Si estás buscando una cobertura médica que sea económica y fácil de entender y usar, una cobertura HMO es exactamente la que necesitas para ti y tu familia. Es simple Una cobertura HMO, o una cobertura médica con be...
  • Haz que tu hogar sea un lugar seguro para el asma

    El hogar es donde habita el corazón, pero también está lleno de desencadenantes de asma que se esconden a plena vista en el dormitorio, la sala, la cocina y los baños. Existen dos tipos principales de desencadenantes de a...
  • Surprising Signs You Might Have a Thyroid Problem

    Thyroid disease is common, and many people don’t know they have it. That may be in part because some of the symptoms are surprising. About 30 million people suffer from thyroid dysfunction. And more than half don’t know they have a proble...
  • ¿Ya solicitaste cobertura médica para 2025? Infórmate de lo que sigue.

    Este artículo está destinado a asegurados que hayan contratado cobertura médica para particulares. Al inscribirte en una cobertura médica de Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma (BCBSOK) para 2025, comienza una...
  • Help Your Child Avoid the Health Risks of Obesity

    Helping kids stay active and eat healthy foods isn’t easy. But it’s important: Early extra pounds often start children on the path to future health problems. Overweight children can also have health issues while they’re still young ...
  • Supporting Someone with a Mental Health Condition

    Anyone can experience a mental health condition. And if they do, friends and family can make a big difference in their recovery. Mental health conditions are common — more than 1 in 5 adults are affected. Mental health conditions are health is.....
  • When Is the Right Time to Use Antibiotics?

    When we feel bad, we want to get better quickly. And antibiotics may seem like the answer when you have symptoms like a cough, sore throat or sinus pain. Antibiotics can save lives, but they aren’t always the answer. They are important tools fo....
  • Choosing Medical, Dental and Vision Insurance

    Regular medical, dental and vision care are all important for your total health. That’s why it’s good to have all three kinds of insurance. Today, many people buy health coverage on their own. What “comes with” medical coverag...
  • ¿Necesitas ver a un especialista?

    Cuando no te sientes bien, puedes llamar a tu médico de cabecera (PCP en inglés). Con un poco de cuidado, tu doctor puede te pude ayudar a recuperarte en muy poco tiempo. ¿Pero qué pasa si tu problema de sa...
  • How Does a Drug Become a Generic: Facts vs. Myths

    Taking a generic drug is not like buying a store-brand soap. With soap, you might notice a difference. It may smell different. You may need to use more than the brand-name product. That is not true with generic drugs. When companies make a bran...
  • Follow 4 Simple Steps to Put Your Family on a Healthy Path

    It’s never too early to teach kids about healthy habits. Setting good habits when they’re young puts them on the path toward a healthier life. Many children are not off to a good start. About 1 in 5 American children are obese, says the C...
  • More than Muscle: How Men Can Exercise Their Way to Better Health

    Men face some serious health risks. Heart disease and cancer account for nearly 40 percent of deaths among American men. Unintentional injuries like falls are also a common cause of death for men. Lung disease and stroke account for another 10 percen...