• Consejos tenebrosamente buenos para tener un Halloween saludable y seguro

    Por lo general, las palabras “saludable” y “Halloween” no van juntas, por razones obvias. Halloween es la única época del año en que los niños se sienten libres de comer tantas golosinas como puedan...
  • Bienestar social: ¿el ajetreo conduce a la soledad?

    A los estadounidenses les encanta estar ocupados. Por desgracia, hacer malabares para mantener el trabajo, la familia y las tareas domésticas implica que la persona promedio “trabaja” 60 horas o más por semana. No es de...
  • Social Well-Being: Is Your Busyness Leading to Loneliness?

    Americans love to be busy. Unfortunately, juggling our jobs, families and home chores means the average person “works” 60 or more hours each week. No wonder people just want to plop down on the sofa and binge watch their favorite TV show ...
  • What Can Your Heart Rate Tell You About Your Health?

    Your heart rate is always changing. It’s up when you’re walking. Down when you’re sitting still. But what can it tell you about your overall health? Your heart rate is the number of times your heart beats per minute. Your heart rate...
  • Living With Diabetes? Find Big Eats on a Small Grocery Budget

    Food choices are so important when diabetes is part of your day-to-day life. Here’s something to keep in mind: The best healthy meal plan for those living with diabetes isn’t very different from one for people without diabetes. Our bodies...
  • How Do I Buy an Individual Health Insurance Plan?

    There are two times when you can buy health insurance — during open enrollment and special enrollment. Open enrollment starts on Nov. 1 each year. Any other sign-up time falls under special enrollment . To buy health insurance during ...
  • Postpartum Health

    The days and weeks after giving birth are often a happy time. They're also a period of adjustment and healing for mothers. While you bond with your baby, make time for a post-delivery checkup with your provider. Your doctor plays an important role...
  • How to Get the Most Out of your Medicare Advantage Plan

    Welcome to Medicare Advantage . We’re glad you’re a Blue Cross Medicare Advantage member. Ready to make the most of your health care plan? Start with these steps: Plan your Annual Wellness Visit. With no copay and no cost to you...
  • Diabetes and the Risk for Kidney Disease

    If you have diabetes , you may not know about an important measure to protect your kidneys. What do your kidneys have to do with diabetes? It turns out, people living with diabetes have a higher risk of kidney disease. More than 35 million adults...
  • Don't Let the Seasonal Flu Get You

    Getting a flu shot can help you stay healthy. Flu season usually starts in October and peaks between December and February. As many have learned, it can linger through the spring. If you didn't get a flu shot before the start of the season, ask your...
  • Behavioral Health: Peeling Back the Onion

    It is an understatement to say humans are complex creatures. So many factors affect who we are. Genetics, upbringing, our environment, family dynamics, friendships, love and work relationships — and, yes, even our behaviors. They’re all t...
  • Ten un plan para controlar el asma

    Si tienes asma, puedes ayudar a controlarla. Colabora con el médico para crear un plan para combatir el asma . Asegúrate de estar haciendo todo lo posible para controlar este padecimiento. Si tienes medicamentos, tómalos co...
  • Cancer, Courage and Compassion: A Tale of Two Sisters

    When someone is diagnosed with an illness, it can turn their entire family upside down. Sometimes it’s a wake-up call. Sometimes it’s the catalyst that brings a family closer together. Tamara admits she and her three siblings weren’...
  • Cómo apoyar a un ser querido con cáncer

    “Tengo cáncer”. Son dos palabras que nunca querrás escuchar de un amigo, un familiar o tu pareja. Enterarte de que un ser querido padece cáncer puede ser abrumador y generar miedo. Es probable que tengas muchas pregu...
  • La detección temprana ayuda a prevenir muertes por cáncer de mama

    La detección temprana del cáncer de mama es la mejor manera de prevenir muertes por esta enfermedad. Realizar exámenes en forma regular es la mejor manera de detectar a tiempo el cáncer de mama. Aproximadamente 1 de cada ...