• Medicare Questions

    If you have questions about Medicare, you’re in good company. Medicare can be confusing. There are a lot of choices and a lot of rules surrounding the government health plan for U.S. citizens age 65 and older. Medicare also offers health covera....
  • Breast Cancer: Facing the Giant

    There are events in every person’s life that shape us in dramatic ways. For Loretta, marrying her high-school sweetheart, having two amazing sons, and the talent to play basketball are big ones. She also includes being diagnosed with CANCER. &l....
  • ¿Qué es el asma exactamente?

    En los Estados Unidos, más de 27 millones de personas padecen de asma. Casi 4.5 millones de ellas son niños menores de 18 años. ¿Por qué los niños son tan vulnerables? Al padecer asma, los pulmones y l...
  • Maximize Your Medicare

    Are you getting the most from your Medicare plan? It’s a good idea to spend time reviewing your coverage each year. Knowledge is power, right? Empower yourself by becoming familiar with need-to-know information that can help guide your Medicare....
  • Ghoulishly Good Tips for a Healthy and Safe Halloween

    The words healthy and Halloween don’t usually go together — for obvious reasons. Halloween is the one time of year when kids let loose and eat as much candy as they can get their hands on. Still, it's possible to give your kids a fun...
  • I’m a Survivor

    Leigh is a breast cancer survivor. She's fought long and hard to claim that mantle. Unfortunately, she’s had to go toe-to-toe with the Big C more than once. “My first scare with breast cancer happened when I was 27,” she reveals. &l...
  • Cómo obtener los nutrientes adecuados a cualquier edad

    Tu cuerpo necesita diferentes cosas en diferentes edades, especialmente cuando se trata de la nutrición. Lo que comemos afecta la manera en que envejecemos, y el envejecimiento cambia nuestras necesidades nutricionales. Según la univers...
  • One Easy Way to Stay with Blue for Medicare

    It’s a major milestone you’ve been moving toward for a long time — all your working life, in fact. Now you’re on the cusp of 65. That means the hard-earned benefits you’ve worked for your whole life are close at hand &md...
  • Consejos para un buen regreso a clases para estudiantes con trastorno por TDAH

    El nuevo año escolar ofrece un nuevo comienzo y la oportunidad de aprender y crecer. Pero para muchos niños, los primeros días o semanas de clase traen cambios que causan preocupación y estrés. El cambio es dif&iacu...
  • Getting Started With Medicare

    Many people find the idea of signing up for Medicare confusing — and that's understandable. You’re used to getting your insurance from your employer or the marketplace. After so many years of doing something one way, it can be i...
  • What Is an HMO?

    If you're looking for a health plan that's easy to understand, easy to use and easy on your wallet, an HMO may be just what you need for you and your family. It’s Simple An HMO — or health maintenance organization — keeps costs low ...
  • Quit Smoking for Good

    One of the best things you can do for your health is to quit smoking or using any kind of tobacco. Quitting isn’t easy, but the rewards make it worth the effort. Quitting earlier in life is best, but it’s a big boost to your health at any...
  • Are Your Doctors Talking to Each Other?

    Finding and treating eye disease early is key to maintaining good vision. Screening for diabetic eye disease has saved many people from developing poor vision or even going blind. A complete exam by an ophthalmologist or optometrist can detect early...
  • The Mind-Body Connection: Nurture Both for Better Health

    Just as our minds and bodies are linked, so are mental and physical health. That’s why if you’re facing a health issue, you may need care for both mental and physical symptoms. Mental health conditions are common. More than 1 in 5 adults ...
  • Is Vaping as Bad for Your Health as Smoking?

    One of the worst things you can do for your lungs and your overall health is to smoke. But many still don’t know that vaping is also dangerous. While experts expressed concern from the start, not everyone got the message. What Is Vaping? Vaping....