• Do You Have COPD?

    If you’ve been diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), it’s important to stop smoking. COPD is a disease that makes it hard to breathe, and it gets worse over time. It can make other illness very serious and lea...
  • Treat Yourself Right: Stay on Top of Your Diabetes Care

    No one likes to go get health screenings and tests. But if you have diabetes, there are some tests you really need to get done. The tests that will show what steps you need to take so you don’t get sicker. The ones that can save you from much b....
  • It’s Open Enrollment — Time to Choose Your 2025 Plan

    The open enrollment period can be confusing. Premiums. Deductibles. Coinsurance. Networks. We can help. Here are three important steps to help you prepare for this year’s open enrollment for health insurance coverage. Step 1: Make Note of the .....
  • Review How to Inject Insulin with Your Doctor

    When, where and how you inject your insulin affects your blood sugar levels. Whether you are new to injecting insulin or have been injecting insulin for so long that you don’t give it a second thought, it is very important to review the instruc....
  • Qué le sucede a un corazón roto

    Morir por un corazón roto parece ser la frase de una canción de música country. Pero todos hemos escuchado alguna historia de parejas de ancianos que compartieron juntos toda su vida en la que cuando fallece uno de los dos, el ot...
  • Know Where to Go When Minutes Count, or Anytime

    It’s important to know where to go when you need care. Sometimes the choice is clear. If you’re having signs of a heart attack or stroke, it’s best to go to an emergency room (ER). But what if you have a sore throat? Or an upset sto...
  • Conoce tus opciones de detección del cáncer colorrectal

    Hacerte una prueba de detección de cáncer de colon es una forma importante de proteger tu salud. El cáncer de colon es la tercera causa principal de muerte por cáncer en los Estados Unidos. Pero el cáncer de colon s...
  • El Período de inscripción abierta 2025: elije tu cobertura médica

    El período de inscripción abierta puede resultar confuso. Primas. Deducibles. Coaseguro. Redes. No te preocupes, estamos aquí para ayudarte. Aquí hay tres pasos importantes que te pueden ayudar a prepararte para el periodo...
  • Know Your Colorectal Cancer Screening Options

    Getting screened for colon cancer is an important way to protect your health. Colon cancer is the third leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. But colon cancer can be successfully treated when it is found and treated early. Until it grows or sprea...
  • What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?

    Dying of a broken heart sounds like something from a country song. But we’ve all heard the stories — the elderly couple married for decades that die within hours or days of the other’s passing. We often say that someone died of a br...
  • Pneumonia: A Lung Infection Can Affect Heart Health

    Every year, nearly one million people in the United States end up in the hospital with pneumonia. Along with making breathing difficult, the infection places stress on the heart. The added stress raises the risk for heart attack, stroke and dying...
  • How In-Home Test Kits Fit Into Your Schedule

    There are things you love to do and things you have to do. Some health screenings fall into the latter. For example, you may not be eager to have a colonoscopy. You're not alone. There’s a way you can dial down the dread. W...
  • Diet Drinks Are Soda-licious, but Come With a Price

    If you have a sugar craving, but don’t want to gain weight, then a diet soda is the perfect option, right? Not necessarily. Research shows that drinking diet soda may have harmful effects on your health. From strokes to weight gain, diet drinks....
  • Improve Your Health With Community

    The meaning of well-being has grown in recent years. Today, it’s more holistic. It embraces many facets of our lives. Employers have followed suit. They’re expanding their offerings to enrich more parts of employees’ lives. Communit...
  • What Is Schizophrenia and How Is It Treated?

    You may have heard about schizophrenia, but do you really know what it means? Schizophrenia is a long-term and serious mental health issue. It affects a person’s thoughts, feelings and actions. Warning signs often occur between the ages of 16 .....