• Salud posparto

    Aunque los días y las semanas posteriores al parto suelen ser muy felices, también es un período de adaptación y recuperación para las madres. Mientras estableces un vínculo especial con tu bebé despu...
  • AIDS and HIV: Prevention and the Search for a Cure

    During the 1980s, AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) became an unwelcome part of our reality. The disease launched a global health epidemic when it was identified in 1981. Since then, AIDS has claimed more than 700,000 lives in the United...
  • 8 Ways to Manage Your Holiday Eating

    The holidays don’t have to be the season of overeating. There are ways to indulge without overdoing it. When you map out options ahead of time, you can make better choices in the moment. It’s a smart way to head into the eating danger zon...
  • 6 Easy Ways to Cut Calories During the Holidays

    We’re guessing the turkey won’t be the only thing that’s stuffed at this year's holiday dinner table. The holidays are notoriously tied to overeating. It’s understandable. With heaps of delicious, calorie-laden foods at your ...
  • Addiction: 5 Things You Should Know

    Do you wonder what causes addiction? Do you wish you could help someone who struggles with alcohol or drug misuse? Here are five things to keep in mind. 1. Addiction can affect anyone. The most recent survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Hea...
  • Calendars Fill Quickly, Schedule Your Mammogram Early

    Do you book your doctors’ appointments in advance? A little planning now can help you keep up with important health checks that could save your life one day. Routine mammograms are one of those important checks. When breast cancer is fou...
  • Earn Rewards for Healthy Actions

    Blue Cross Medicare AdvantageSM members can earn up to $100 in gift cards for Healthy Actions.* Whether it’s scheduling your annual wellness visit or getting your flu shot, now you can earn rewards while taking care of your health. Here are Hea....
  • Deja de fumar por tu bien

    Una de las mejores decisiones que puedes tomar por tu salud es dejar de fumar o de consumir cualquier producto derivado del tabaco. No es fácil, pero las recompensas hacen que valga la pena. Dejar de fumar a una edad temprana es lo mejor, aunq.....
  • ¿En qué consisten las mamografías 3D?

    Las mujeres tienen opciones para hacerse exámenes de detección de cáncer de mama. La mejor práctica recomendada para la detección temprana es hacerse una mamografía tradicional cada uno o dos añ...
  • Help for Stressed-Out Parents

    Parenting is rewarding, but it’s stressful, too. Guiding the growth and development of another human being from birth to adulthood isn’t for the faint of heart. Eons ago, it was a daily struggle for our ancestors to simply keep their offs...
  • Can I Be Chill About the Chills?

    Picture this: Your body starts to ache. Your skin breaks out in goosebumps and you shiver even though you're dressed warmly and the room isn’t cold. What’s going on? It sounds like you have the chills and maybe even a fever. We’ve a...
  • The Not-So-Sweet Story About “Sugar Sickness”

    Diabetes is one of the biggest health threats facing our nation. More than 38 million adults in the United States have the disease. Fueled by obesity, it’s life-threatening and the leading cause of kidney failure in adults. Yet, for American In....
  • Cambios en la memoria: ¿Sabes cuándo es necesario buscar ayuda?

    ¿Se te olvidó el nombre de tu nuevo amigo, la cita para cortarte el pelo o no recuerdas dónde dejaste las llaves del auto? Esto puede suceder y, probablemente, no sea una señal de que tienes un problema de salud grave. Sin...
  • ¿Qué pasa si no puedes pagar una cobertura médica?

    El elegir un seguro médico puede provocar algunas preguntas, sobre todo cuando se trata de dinero. No es el único que se pregunta cómo se puede pagar por un seguro médico. A medida que analizas las opciones, recuerda que h...
  • ¿Qué debo preguntar al comprar una cobertura médica?

    Ahora tienes más opciones que nunca a la hora de buscar una cobertura médica. Ya sea que compres directamente a través de Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, el Mercado de seguros médicos o un agente de seguros c...