• Cómo brindar apoyo a alguien con un problema de salud mental

    Cualquier persona puede tener un problema de salud mental. De ser este el caso, los amigos y los familiares pueden marcar una gran diferencia en la recuperación. Los problemas de salud mental son comunes, ya que más de 1 de cada 5 adult...
  • Need Information? Here’s Where to Find It

    There are many ways you can get information from us. We offer options to suit a variety of communication preferences. Our Website Visit bcbsok.com for information about all we have to offer: If you’re shopping for insurance, you can ...
  • La conexión entre la mente y el cuerpo: Cuida ambos para mejorar la salud

    Al igual que la mente y el cuerpo, también existe una conexión entre la salud mental y física. Por eso, si tienes un problema de salud, es posible que necesites atención médica tanto para los síntomas mentale...
  • Haz de Tu Salud una Prioridad con Cuidados Preventivos

    Es tu deber cuidar tu salud. Un buen punto de partida es programar un examen médico preventivo anual. El cuidado preventivo es muy importante para personas de todas las edades. Programar una consulta anual de atención preventiva te dar&...
  • Jumpstart Your Wellness: Review Your Benefits

    It’s another new year, another chance to start fresh. But if grand New Year’s resolutions aren’t your style, there is one easy way to keep on top of your health: Brush up on the benefits that come with your health plan. It’s a...
  • Make Your Health a Priority with Preventive Care

    You owe it to yourself to take care of your health. One good place to start is by scheduling your yearly preventive health care exam. Preventive care is very important for people of all ages. Scheduling an annual preventive care visit will give you...
  • End Your Energy Slump

    Do you sometimes feel like the energy has just drained from your body? You’re not the only one feeling more tired, more often. Many people have lifestyles that lead to frequently feeling tired. There are simple steps you can take to have more e....
  • Winterize Your Exercise, Indoors and Out

    Has old man winter blown away some of your exercise motivation? Even though it’s cold outside, your muscles still need to feel the burn. You can beat midwinter workout blahs by switching things up. Just 30 minutes of moderate activity most days....
  • Protect Yourself from Cervical Cancer with a Simple Test

    We’ve all heard the old proverb: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Translated, it simply means catching health issues early is best. Many preventive services covered under your health plan help do just that. Three&nbsp...
  • Managing Diabetes? You Have a Partner Who Can Help

    If you’re living with diabetes, think of your primary care physician (PCP) as your partner in taking charge of your health. You can work together to successfully manage your diabetes so you can stay healthier. It’s important to get the re...
  • What Is Diabetes?

    Diabetes is taking a serious toll on our nation. About 38 million Americans suffer from the life-threatening disease — and the numbers keep growing. With diabetes, the body can no longer make enough insulin or use the insulin it does make to c.....
  • Alimenta tu cerebro: ¿Qué alimentos promueven la salud mental?

    Si prestas atención, tu cuerpo te hará saber si lo que comes es bueno o malo. Es posible que te sientas lleno de energía después de haber ingerido un alimento saludable, o revitalizado después de tomar un vaso lleno...
  • 5 Ways to Beat Holiday Stress

    While `tis the season to be jolly, for many of us the holiday season can also be a stressful time. With all the pressure to cook, gather and shop, it’s no wonder we feel overwhelmed during the holidays. The weight of stress can affect our heal.....
  • Donating Blood: Common Myths Debunked

    Blood donations save lives, and the need for blood has never been greater. Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood or platelets, says the American Red Cross. More people, more illness, even more natural disasters around the world mean...
  • Why Is It Important To Donate Platelets?

    Blood platelet transfusions can save the lives of people with low platelet counts or malfunctioning platelets, says the American Red Cross. What Are Platelets? Platelets are tiny cells that flow through your blood. Their main job is to prevent and...