• Cómo funciona la cobertura HMO: El proceso de órdenes médicas

    Las órdenes médicas, también conocidas como referidos, juegan un papel importante para ahorrar dinero con tu cobertura HMO. Sigue leyendo para conocer cuándo necesitarás un referido y cómo usar los beneficios de tu cobertura HMO . Cuando te inscribes…
  • Find Ways to Better Cope with Stressful Events

    Stress is a part of life — from minor irritations to major traumatic events. Since the body’s biological responses to stress can harm your mental and physical health, learning to manage your response is important. The first step to is to know the signs…
  • Therapy 101: What You Should Know About Getting Mental Health Care

    If you’re feeling depressed, anxious or overwhelmed with your problems, you’re not alone. Whether you are dealing with health, family or work issues, there’s something that can help: psychotherapy. It can sound intimidating, but it’s really just reaching…
  • There’s No Time Like the Present to Plan for Better Health

    Planning your annual exams now will help make your own health a priority. Time has a way of passing by before we know it. Things you meant to do never seem to get done. That includes taking better care of your health. You can jumpstart that goal by…
  • Your Doctor Helps Make Sure Your Services Are Covered

    Your doctors work closely with your health plan to ensure it covers the care they prescribe. As a smart health care consumer, it’s good to know about all the steps your care provider takes so you can get the most out of your health plan when you need…
  • Hombres, hagan su salud una prioridad

    Eres un hombre saludable. Nunca te pides un día de reposo. Comes sano y te ejercitas. Nunca has tenido caries. De todas formas, las pruebas preventivas son importantes para tu salud. Las pruebas de detección ayudan a encontrar problemas médicos en…
  • Time to Get Those Exams You've Been Putting Off

    If you’re like many people, this year has passed by in a blur. It’s likely that some of your routine health exams didn’t happen. And if the end of your health plan year is coming soon, all the more reason to review your health benefits. Doing so could…
  • Learn to Live Better with Chronic Pain

    Chronic pain takes a toll on your body and mind. But you don’t have to try to handle it on your own. It’s important to know when to reach out for help. What Is Chronic Pain? Chronic pain is constant or recurring physical pain that you have over a…
  • ¿Cómo elegir una cobertura médica?

    Este artículo está destinado a asegurados que cuentan con una cobertura médica para particulares. A medida que te prepares para contratar cobertura, puedes recopilar alguna información importante para ayudarte a decidir qué cobertura es la mejor para…
  • El médico está a un clic: Atención en línea a través de consultas virtuales

    ¿Te estás perdiendo la conveniencia de las consultas virtuales? Es una manera rápida y fácil de atenderse con un profesional médico. Digamos que estás de vacaciones y te enfermas. O que tu hijo se despierta de madrugada con dolor de oído. Las consultas…