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This article is intended for members enrolled in an individual health insurance plan.
If you choose the digital option, your Benefit Book will be available as a PDF in your secure online member account.
If you prefer having a physical book to look through, we’ll mail your Benefit Book to you. But who wants an extra pound of paper in their mailbox?
You can download your digital Benefit Book and search for topics on your computer or mobile device. Going digital also means you’ll get less mail throughout the plan year. Instead of getting paper in the mail, you can access your plan information and updates online any time.
Log in to your Blue Access for MembersSM (BAMSM) account to access your Benefit Book and much more. In your secure member portal you can:
Don’t have a BAM account yet? It's easy to register. Once you're registered, you can log in to your secure account. When you log in, after you enter your username and password, we'll send a one-time passcode to your email or mobile number, whichever you choose. Then you'll enter the passcode to access your account.
You can also access your account information and contact preferences by downloading our free BCBSOK mobile app. The BCBSOK app is available for iPhone and Android users. Download it from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
If you choose to go digital, you will still receive a physical member ID card in the mail. You can also get a digital version of your ID card. Most providers want to scan the physical card at least once. But after that you can use the digital version if you don’t always carry your card with you. You can access your digital card by logging into BAM or with our mobile app.
You can tell us how you want us to communicate with you. There are three ways you can update your contact information and confirm or change your choices about how we contact you:
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
© Copyright 2025 Health Care Service Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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