• Breast Pumps Can Help Make Breastfeeding Easier

    Nourishing your newborn baby is one of the most important things you’ll do as a parent. Breastfeeding is a popular option for many parents — and for good reasons. Breast milk provides ideal nutrition that supports a baby’s growth an...
  • Prior Authorization: What You Need to Know

    Understanding your health insurance is the best way to enjoy all its benefits. When you know what steps you need to take before treatment, things go more smoothly. One of the most important steps is prior authorization. Many times, your doctor will...
  • Keep Your PCP Informed

    You can do your part in coordinating your care. If you’ve had care in any health care setting outside of your primary care physician’s office, there are a couple of things you can do to ensure a smooth transition. Ask for a Visit or Disch...
  • Start a New Health Journey with Well onTarget

    Well onTarget® and Blue PointsSM are not available to all members. Check Blue Access for MembersSM or ask your benefits administrator to see if you have these benefits. Well onTarget is designed to give you the support you need to make healthy ch...
  • Self-Management Programs: Quitting Tobacco and Staying Tobacco Free

    When you're ready to quit tobacco, you boost your chance for success. When that day comes, we’re here to help you stay strong. The Well onTarget® portal provides self-help programs, tips and tools to help you break free from tobacco. The di...
  • What You Need to Know About Subrogation

    Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma is always on the lookout for ways to help control the rising costs of health care. It’s important that we do so for our members — and our company. So, from time to time, we may look a little bit more...
  • How Prior Authorization Helps

    Prior Authorization helps make sure prescription medicines are being used safely, as intended and at the best cost. Only a handful of drugs need prior authorization, also called pre-approval. Those are often the ones that cost the most or the ones...
  • Your Prescription Wasn’t Covered. Here’s What You and Your Doctor Can Do

    You need a new drug and find your prescription isn’t covered. Or you’ve taken a drug in the past and find it’s no longer covered. Find out why meds may not be covered, and what you can do next. Health plans cover a wide range of med...
  • What’s In Your Benefit Book?

    This article is intended for members enrolled in an individual health insurance plan. In some of the emails, letters and other communications you get from us, you may notice the phrase, “See your Benefit Book for details.” That’s be...
  • You've Got Mail: Pharmacy Mail Order Service

    Using a mail order pharmacy service can save you time, and maybe even money. It's convenient because your prescriptions are mailed right to you. That saves you a trip to the pharmacy. You can enjoy mail order pharmacy services with your Blue Cro...
  • Find Healthy Deals with Blue365

    Do your shopping lists never end? Are you a champion bargain hunter? Then Blue365® is perfect for you. Blue365 is a discount service that saves you money on a variety of everyday needs and healthy lifestyle aids. How Does It Work? Any member of a...
  • Paper or Digital Benefit Book: A Weighty Question

    This article is intended for members enrolled in an individual health insurance plan. When you sign up for your 2024 plan during Open Enrollment, you’ll get to choose whether to get your plan information by mail or digitally. If you choose the ....
  • Contact Us With Your Questions

    Your health insurance is important. Understanding your health plan is the best way to make sure you get the most benefits from it. So, it’s only natural that you have some questions. We’re always happy to answer your questions and be acce...
  • You Now Have Easy Access to Your Dental Benefits Information

    Dental benefits are not available to all members. Check Blue Access for MembersSM or ask your benefits administrator to see if you have these benefits. If you have dental benefits as part of your health plan, you now have easier access to your covera...
  • How to $ave Money

    There are many ways you can help keep your health care costs down. Try these tips to find $avings on doctor visits, prescription medications, fitness trackers and more. We have resources to help you make the best decision for you. Our Provider F...