• Check Out the New, Improved BCBSOK App

    The new BCBSOK App now offers access to more of your health plan information in one place. Our mobile app allows you to access your medical and pharmacy benefits information in one app. And if you have vision or dental coverage with us, you can also…
  • What’s In Your Benefit Book?

    This article is intended for members enrolled in an individual health insurance plan. In some of the emails, letters and other communications you get from us, you may notice the phrase, “See your Benefit Book for details.” That’s because your Benefit…
  • Paper or Digital Benefit Book: A Weighty Question

    This article is intended for members enrolled in an individual health insurance plan. When you sign up for your 2024 plan during Open Enrollment, you’ll get to choose whether to get your plan information by mail or digitally. If you choose the digital…
  • You Now Have Easy Access to Your Dental Benefits Information

    Dental benefits are not available to all members. Check Blue Access for Members SM or ask your benefits administrator to see if you have these benefits. If you have dental benefits as part of your health plan, you now have easier access to your coverage…
  • Save Money on Prescriptions with Medication Finder

    The cost of prescription medicines is always a hot topic. Most of us have experienced sticker shock at least once when we’ve filled a prescription. So, it’s not surprising that one in four Americans say it’s hard to pay for their medications. It can be…
  • What Is an HMO?

    If you're looking for a health plan that's easy to understand, easy to use and easy on your wallet, an HMO may be just what you need for you and your family. It’s Simple An HMO — or health maintenance organization — keeps costs low and predictable…
  • Keep Your Member ID Card Close

    It might be a thin piece of plastic tucked in your wallet until you need it. Or it might be something you find in an app on your phone. Either way, your member ID card packs a wallop. What else holds everything you need to take care of your health?…
  • Planning International Travel this Summer? Check Your Coverage Options

    Are you planning to travel outside the U.S.? Whether work sends you abroad or you travel for fun, the key is to be prepared. Before you travel, learn about your international health insurance options in case you need care while you’re away. Coverage…
  • How to Use Your Digital Member ID Card

    A device that was once only used for calling has become a tool that securely holds some of your most important assets. With your mobile phone, you can save photos of family and friends, use your preferred payment methods, even access your health insurance…
  • Jumpstart Your Wellness: Review Your Benefits

    It’s another new year, another chance to start fresh. But if grand New Year’s resolutions aren’t your style, there is one easy way to keep on top of your health: Brush up on the benefits that come with your health plan. It’s a simple way to pay more attention…
  • Need Information? Here’s Where to Find It

    There are many ways you can get information from us. We offer options to suit a variety of communication preferences. Our Website Visit bcbsok.com for information about all we have to offer: If you’re shopping for insurance, you can visit the…
  • Find a Doctor Who's a Good Fit for You

    Sometimes you know it’s time for a change. But what if that change involves finding a new primary care doctor? Maybe you’ve moved, and it’s a long drive to your current doctor. Perhaps you don’t feel heard. Or you just think it would be better to find…
  • Plan Year Ending Soon? Make the Most of It

    If you’re the kind of person who needs a deadline to get things done, there may be a big one just around the corner. If your health plan year is ending soon, it’s a good time to review your health benefits. Doing so could be a boost to your overall…
  • Having a Health Care Procedure? You Could Earn Cash with Members Rewards*

    Did you know you can shop and compare costs for over 1,700 health care procedures online using our Provider Finder ® tool? Just like shopping for new tires for your car or a new computer, doing a little comparison shopping can really pay off. The price…
  • The Folks Come Through: My College (Health) Care Package

    You are free! Nobody will tell you what time to go to bed anymore. You settled into your dorm without any tears (on your end). You haven’t gotten lost on campus yet, which is always a win. You are now officially a college student with nothing to hold…
  • How HMO Insurance Works – Quick Tips Guide

    Millions of people have an HMO health plan. Yet, plenty of them are still a little fuzzy about what that really means. Millions of people have an HMO health plan. Yet, plenty of them are still a little fuzzy about what that really means. HMO stands…
  • Are You Using Blue Access for Members?

    Are you taking advantage of all the great benefits within Blue Access for Members SM ? BAM SM is the secure member portal where you can: Check the status of your claim and your claim history. Confirm the family members who are covered under your…
  • New Member? Take Three Steps to Start Using Your Health Plan

    Are you a new member? To make the most of your health plan, take three simple steps now. It’s the best way to make sure you’re set when you need care. Step 1: Watch for new member information After you enroll*, you will receive these three things…
  • What Is a Health Insurance Claim?

    We’ve all done it. Shown or uploaded our member ID card when filling out insurance forms in the doctor’s office or through an online portal. Your doctor’s office needs these details so they can file a claim. A claim is a bill your doctor and other health…
  • Compare Health Care Costs

    Many of us compare prices before we buy a product or service. It’s one of the best ways to be an informed consumer. But we might not think about comparing prices when it comes to our health care benefits. And that’s a missed opportunity because it could…
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