• Breast Cancer Complementary Therapies Help Boost Treatment

    Women with breast cancer often have choices for medical treatment. If you're fighting breast cancer, your doctor will make a treatment plan. It might involve surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or immunotherapy. Along with questions about traditional...
  • Blood Glucose Levels: Get Curious

    Dinner is almost ready and it's that time again. You unzip your black pouch to take out a glucose meter. As you pull back the lever of the lancet, you think, "Gosh, I hope my blood sugar isn’t high again.” Blood glucose testing is vital f...
  • Are You Paralyzed by Social Anxiety? Learn the Best Ways to Manage It.

    Do you have a friend who always bails when you make plans? They may not be trying to avoid you. That can happen when people have social anxiety. Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is a long-term mental health issue. It affects...
  • Summer Heat Safety Reminders

    Staying safe during hot summer months isn’t hard. There are steps you can take to protect yourself. Drinking lots of water and wearing sunscreen isn’t enough. Here are three things to know to keep summer fun. UV Rays Can Hurt You Ultravi...
  • Lista para viajeros: protege tu salud mientras viajas

    Unas vacaciones suenan geniales en estos momentos y, sea cual sea el tipo de vacaciones que te guste disfrutar, hay algo que ayuda a que las cosas salgan aún mejor: la planificación. La planificación ayuda a esquivar contratiempo...
  • Depression and Anxiety: Different and Similar

    One in 5 adults in the U.S. lives with a mental health issue. You likely know people who experience depression or anxiety. Some people have both. They are different health problems, but share some of the same warning signs. Help is available for...
  • Consumo indebido de sustancias: Señales y riesgos

    Millones de personas beben demasiado o consumen fármacos de manera indebida, y muchos de ellos no reciben ayuda. Sin embargo, pedir ayuda es algo normal en la vida; y las personas nunca deberían sentir que tienen que lidiar con las cos...
  • Cuida tu piel bajo el sol de verano

    En mi niñez, muchas nunca usaron protector solar. No fue algo con lo que me educaron, en especial, porque era normal que la piel de mi papá se oscureciera un poco después de sus partidos de fútbol en el intenso ...
  • Care for Your Skin in the Summer Sun

    Growing up, many of us skipped sunscreen. Decades ago, we weren't as savvy about the sun's dangers. It was normal for my dad to turn a darker shade of brown after playing soccer games in the intense summer heat. I followed suit. I also tanned nicely...
  • Mantente seguro en el verano

    Para muchas personas, el verano es la mejor época del año, ya que se realizan muchas actividades divertidas al aire libre. Pero el verano tiene sus propios desafíos cuando se trata de mantener saludable a tu familia. Por ejemplo,...
  • Alimentación consciente para diabéticos

    Aprender a ser más conscientes puede ayudarnos a pensar con calma en distintas situaciones. Para las personas con diabetes , el tomar conciencia de su alimentación puede incluso ayudarles a practicar un mejor cuidado personal. ¿Qu...
  • Care for Your Mental Health Throughout Your Pregnancy

    Health care is important before, during and after pregnancy. And that means caring for your mind as well as your body. A healthy pregnancy starts before you’re even pregnant. You might need mental health support if you face issues getting...
  • Compare Health Care Costs

    Many of us compare prices before we buy a product or service. It’s one of the best ways to be an informed consumer. But we might not think about comparing prices when it comes to our health care benefits. And that’s a missed opportunity ...
  • Men’s Health: Do You Know the Signs of a Silent Heart Attack?

    Think you know what you’d feel like if you were having a heart attack? Think again. Silent heart attacks, known as a silent myocardial infarction (SMI), account for 45 percent of heart attacks. And they are more likely to strike men than women.....
  • Prescription or Over the Counter: Follow Directions to Stay Safe

    Medicine can help your health in many ways. From over-the-counter (OTC) medicines to prescription medicines that treat life-threatening conditions, medicine can have a major positive impact. But only if it’s taken — and taken correctly. O...