• 5 motivos por los que puede rechazarse una reclamación

    Aunque no lo creas, existen cinco motivos que pueden hacer que un servicio médico no sea aprobado o que una reclamación no se pague. Estos se clasifican en estas cinco categorías: La reclamación tiene errores. El motivo d...
  • 4 Simple Steps for Better Whole-Body Fitness and Function

    Most people focus on one or two types of exercise and think they’re getting what their body needs. But there are four types of exercise you need to help your body function at its best: endurance, strength, balance and flexibility, says the Nati....
  • Inhale. Exhale. What Your Lungs Do for You.

    Breathe in. Breathe out. It’s something that we do every day, every waking minute. It relaxes us, wakes us, and keeps us alive. The lungs are part of the respiratory system — organs and tissues that work together to help you breathe, says...
  • A Hug Only Takes 10 Seconds, Yet the Benefits Last Forever

    Fun fact about hugs: They don’t just give you a warm, fuzzy sense of well-being — they can also be good for your health. It’s true. Hugging for just 10 seconds can boost feel-good hormones like oxytocin. Often called the &ldq...
  • Consejos para mitigar el dolor de espalda

    Es posible que tengas dolor constante en la espalda. También puede que sientas un dolor punzante repentino que te paraliza. De cualquier manera, no quieres sentirte adolorido. El dolor de espalda se puede producir por accidentes, uso ex...
  • Keep Back Pain from Being Such a Pain

    You may have a dull ache in your back that just won’t go away. Or you may feel a sharp, sudden pain that stops you in your tracks. Either way, you want the pain to stop. Back pain can come from accidents, overuse and injuries like lifting some.....
  • Cómo utilizar tu tarjeta de asegurado digital

    Un dispositivo que anteriormente solo se utilizaba para hacer llamadas ahora puede guardar de forma segura algunos de tus datos más importantes. Desde tu teléfono móvil, tienes a la mano fotos de tu familia y amigos, métod...
  • Cuando el corazón se acelera, puede ser por la fibrilación auricular

    Los cantantes suelen expresar en sus canciones que un corazón enamorado late a mil por hora, pero, en la vida real, un corazón acelerado puede ser un problema grave conocido como fibrilación auricular. En un corazón sano, ...
  • Do You Think Your Child Has Asthma?

    It can be upsetting when your child is struggling with a health issue. It's especially unnerving if your child seems to be struggling to breathe. We understand. More importantly, we're here to help you. Ask Yourself a Few Questions Is th...
  • Síntomas, causas y factores de riesgo del asma

    El número de niños diagnosticados con asma aumentó drásticamente en las últimas décadas. La preocupación comienza cuando se tiene dificultad para respirar. ¿Podría ser su hijo uno de los...
  • Living With High Blood Pressure

    Nearly half of adults in the United States have high blood pressure — also known as hypertension. Only about one in four adults with high blood pressure have it under control. Are you one of them? Learning to manage your blood pressure ca...
  • Can You Outgrow Asthma?

    You can outgrow your shoes, your pants — even your teddy bear. Can you outgrow asthma? Unfortunately, the idea you can leave asthma behind when you’re an adult is mostly a myth. When Asthma Won’t Let Go Asthma is t...
  • The Eyes Have It: Protect Them with Routine Eye Exams

    Eye exams are a great way to keep an eye on your health. Along with making sure you get the right prescription for glasses or contact lenses, they can be a real ‘eye opener’ when it comes to your health. Your eyes aren’t just windo...
  • The Impact of Stress if You Have Diabetes

    Traffic was a beast. You lost your phone. A few zeros seem to be missing from your bank balance. When you feel stressed, your body produces two hormones that raise your blood sugar — adrenaline and cortisol. Both are linked to the bod...
  • ¿Cómo usar el portal protegido Blue Access for Members?

    ¿Está aprovechando todos los excelentes beneficios de Blue Access for MembersSM? BAMSM es el portal protegido para asegurados en el que puede hacer lo siguiente: verificar el estado e historial de su reclamación; confirmar que l...