• Diet Drinks Are Soda-licious, but Come With a Price

    If you have a sugar craving, but don’t want to gain weight, then a diet soda is the perfect option, right? Not necessarily. Research shows that drinking diet soda may have harmful effects on your health. From strokes to weight gain, diet drinks....
  • Improve Your Health With Community

    The meaning of well-being has grown in recent years. Today, it’s more holistic. It embraces many facets of our lives. Employers have followed suit. They’re expanding their offerings to enrich more parts of employees’ lives. Communit...
  • What Is Schizophrenia and How Is It Treated?

    You may have heard about schizophrenia, but do you really know what it means? Schizophrenia is a long-term and serious mental health issue. It affects a person’s thoughts, feelings and actions. Warning signs often occur between the ages of 16 .....
  • Wellness “U”: Tips to Stop Binge Drinking

    College is all about studying until your brain hurts, figuring out your future, making life-long friends — and drinking? Alcohol has become one of the most popular ways college students unwind. In fact, almost 54% of college students ages 18 to....
  • Make Your Home Asthma Safe

    Home is where the heart is, but it’s also loaded with asthma triggers. Many asthma triggers are hiding in plain sight in the bedroom, common living spaces, kitchen and bathrooms. There are two main types of asthma triggers: all...
  • Diabetes Risk Factors

    If you could spare yourself from a life-changing disease, you’d do it, right? For millions of Americans, paying attention to diabetes risk factors and doing something to control them can make all the difference. With diabetes, the body can no l....
  • Let’s Clear the Air About Lung Cancer Screening

    Every cigarette shaves 11 minutes off your lifespan. When you quit smoking, you give yourself more time to do the things you enjoy with the people you love. The minute you stop smoking is the minute you lower your risk for lung cancer — the lea....
  • Make a Plan to Manage Your Asthma

    If you have asthma, you can help yourself by actively managing your condition. Work with your doctor to create a care plan called an asthma action plan . And make sure you’re doing all you can to manage your condition. If you have medicin...
  • Your Doctors Need to Talk to Each Other About Your Care

    You and your primary care physician (PCP) work together to make sure you are in the best health possible for you. It’s a two-way street. Your doctor uses training and know-how to guide you. But to provide the best guidance, your doctor needs yo....
  • Is It Cold, Flu, Allergies or COVID-19?

    If you have sniffles, sneezes, coughing or sore throat, it can be hard to tell if your symptoms are from allergies, a cold, the flu, COVID-19 or RSV. Until you know for sure what’s causing your symptoms, it’s always good to err on the sid...
  • The Link Between Nutrition and Mental Health

    You’ve likely heard the cliché a million times — “You are what you eat.” So you might nosh on foods reported to lower your blood pressure, strengthen your bones or burn belly fat. You might even load up on brain food t...
  • Ease Your Joint Pain

    Aches and pains happen. You sit too much and your back hurts. You get up and down a lot and your knees hurt. Or your neck or hips ache regularly. These aches and pains in your joints or back are common. A joint is the connection between two bones...
  • Is Your Child Struggling with Mental Health Issues?

    Children have a lot on their minds. They’re always learning new things and facing challenges they’ve never handled before. You know your child best. You can support them now and in the future by showing them ways to build good ment...
  • Have You Had Your Health Screenings This Year?

    Your annual wellness visit and health screenings play an important role in catching small health problems before they become big ones. Add your annual exam and health screenings to your to-do list to make sure they get done. If you still need so...
  • Take Care of Yourself When You Take Care of Others

    Look around and you’re bound to see a lot of caregivers. In the U.S., one in three adults care for others. They may be caring for elderly parents, a sick spouse or disabled child. Being a caregiver can be stressful and demanding. It often lead.....