• You Can Keep Your Brain Healthy at Any Age

    It’s common to think that forgetfulness and other changes in our brain function are a part of getting older that we just have to accept. But studies show that there are simple steps you can take to help prevent cognitive decline and lower your ....
  • Is Your Blood Pressure Being Measured Correctly?

    High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is a serious health problem that often has no symptoms. Often called "the silent killer" it doesn't always have symptoms. You can have high blood pressure for years and not even know it. It’s impor....
  • Taking Care of Your Kidneys Helps Keep You Healthy

    Kidneys play a big part in your total health. They filter extra water and toxins from your body. They help control blood pressure. And they play a role in making red blood cells and in keeping bones healthy. When your kidneys aren’t working as.....
  • Puedes mantener tu cerebro saludable a cualquier edad

    Es común pensar que los olvidos y otros cambios en nuestro funcionamiento cerebral son parte del envejecimiento y simplemente tenemos que aceptarlos. Pero los estudios muestran que hay pasos simples que podemos seguir para ayudar a prevenir el.....
  • Substance Misuse: Signs and Risks

    Millions of people are drinking too much or misusing drugs. And many don’t get help. But asking for help is a normal part of life, and people should never feel like they have to handle things on their own, says the Substance Abuse and Mental H.....
  • Memory Changes? Learn When to Seek Help

    You forget a new friend’s name. Forget a haircut date. Forget where you left your car keys. It happens. And it probably isn’t a sign of a serious health issue. But some types of memory loss may be a wake-up call to find out what’s g...
  • Checking Your Blood Pressure Could Save Your Life

    Keeping your blood pressure in a healthy range is one of the best things you can do for your health. That’s because high blood pressure is the single biggest risk factor for heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and other health problems. Near.....
  • Las fábricas de químicos del cuerpo humano

    El cuerpo es una máquina compleja. Todo está interconectado. Muchas veces, cuando se nos diagnostica una enfermedad, es necesario atenderla para evitar que nada más en nuestro cuerpo resulte afectado. Veamos los riñ...
  • ¿Te estás midiendo correctamente tu presión arterial?

    La presión arterial alta, también llamada hipertensión, es un problema de salud grave que a menudo no presenta síntomas. También conocido como "el asesino silencioso", es posible tener presión arterial alta d...
  • Cuida tu salud antes, durante y después del embarazo

    Siempre vale la pena cuidar tu salud, pero mucho más cuando estás esperando un bebé. Cuidar tu salud es fundamental mientras intentas quedar embarazada, durante el embarazo y después de dar a luz. "El embarazo es una expe...
  • Kidneys: The Chemical Factories of the Human Body

    The body is one complicated machine. Everything is connected. Everything works (or is supposed to, anyway) in harmony. Many times, when you're diagnosed with an illness, it’s important to address and treat it properly so other parts of your bo.....
  • Ayuda a tu cuerpo y mente sin tener que gastar dinero

    ¿Puedes ejercitarte haciendo lo que ya haces, sin gastar tiempo o dinero extra? ¿Ejercitarte sin llamarle ejercicio? ¿Actividad física sin sentirte intimidado? Sí, sí puedes. El ejercicio no tiene por qu&eac...
  • Lower Your Risk for Colorectal Cancer

    The most effective way to lower your risk for colorectal cancer is to be screened. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people at average risk start screening at age 45. Often, colorectal cancer starts with one or more poly...
  • Por qué no estás durmiendo bien

    ¿Te sientes más aturdido de lo habitual? ¿No te despiertas renovado después de una buena noche de sueño? ¿Qué es lo que te quita el sueño? Existen muchos obstáculos que pueden impedir que...
  • Why Should I Get Tested for Colon Cancer?

    Do you believe in the power of prevention? If you’re 45 years of age or older, one of those reasons is colorectal cancer, also known as colon cancer. Besides skin cancer, colon cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer for both men an.....