• Learn the Truth Behind Teen Peer Pressure Challenges

    Your sweet little toddler has grown up. Suddenly, the two of you aren’t talking as much. You aren’t always sure what is going on in your kid’s world. Who is your teen spending time with? What are they doing? During the teen years, p...
  • Only You Can Prevent Gum Disease

    The world may see your friendly smile, but what’s going on behind it? The inside of your mouth is home to millions of bacteria. Along with tooth decay, gum disease can boost your risk for tooth loss and serious illnesses if not kept in check. G....
  • Seven Facts About Hepatitis C

    You’ve probably heard about hepatitis C in the news. It’s the most common bloodborne infection in the United States. Because it can be easily spread, it's importance to understand the virus and ways you can protect yourself. What Is...
  • ¿Cómo funcionan las Listas de medicamentos?

    ¿Cómo funcionan las Listas de medicamentos?

    ¿Quieres saber si tu medicamento está cubierto por tu cobertura médica? En este video, nuestro espcialista en Servicio al Cliente le dice a Vanessa como funcionan las Listas de medicamentos y dónde encontrar la lista para revisar si su medicamento...
  • ¿Cómo puedo ahorrar dinero en medicamentos con receta?

    ¿Cómo puedo ahorrar dinero en medicamentos con receta?

    Aunque los medicamentos pueden ser costosos, hay formas de ahorrar algo de dinero en ellos. Asegúrate de mantenerte al día con María, mientras nuestro especialista en Servicio al Cliente le explica formas de ahorrar dinero en medicamentos con receta...
  • ¿Qué es una Cuenta de Ahorros para Gastos Médicos y cómo se utiliza?

    ¿Qué es una Cuenta de Ahorros para Gastos Médicos y cómo se utiliza?

    ¿No eres uno para visitar al médico a menudo? Tal vez una Cuenta de Ahorros para Gastos Médicos pueda ser la mejor cobertura para ti. Conoce qué es una HSA (por sus siglas en inglés) y cómo puede ser la mejor opción cuando se trata de tu atención...
  • Tips for a Safe July 4th

    Celebrating the Fourth of July and the birth of our nation’s independence is the most anticipated holiday of summer. Millions of Americans will head to the beach, lounge by the pool, take in a parade, and of course, celebrate with fireworks. Wh....
  • Food Poisoning: Meaty Madness

    Summer fun often includes outdoor cookouts. Who doesn’t like good food grilled to perfection? Sadly, food poisoning can make things less appetizing — fast. When temps and spirits are high, so is the risk for food contamination at your wee...
  • Entendiendo las coberturas médicas y los gastos

    Entendiendo las coberturas médicas y los gastos

    Deducibles, coaseguros, primas... ¿entiendes cómo funcionan todos? Escucha y aprende con Vanessa mientras pregunta sobre sus gastos con un especialista en Servicio al Cliente. Más videos de Health Care One-to-One.
  • How to Prepare the Day of Your First 5K Race

    You’ve been training over the past few months to run your first 5K. It’s exciting, but it can also be nerve racking if you’re not a seasoned runner. Are you prepared for the event? Is there anything else you should be doing or think...
  • Acondicionamiento físico divertido para toda la familia

    “¡Estamos aburridos!" “¡No hay nada que hacer!” ¿Cuántas veces hemos escuchado esto de nuestros hijos? Si creciste antes de la era de los videojuegos, tu primera propuesta sería: "¡Sa...
  • Fun Fitness for the Entire Family

    “I’m bored!’ “There’s nothing to do!” How many times have we heard this from our kids? If you grew up before the age of video games, your first response might be, “Go outside!” On second thought, this m...
  • Preventing Decay with Dental Sealants

    Tooth decay is the most common ongoing childhood disease in the United States. Nearly half of all children between six and 11 years old have cavities. Fortunately, tooth decay can be stopped with good oral care. There is one tool parents appreciate...
  • The Folks Come Through: My College (Health) Care Package

    You are free! Nobody will tell you what time to go to bed anymore. You settled into your dorm without any tears (on your end). You haven’t gotten lost on campus yet, which is always a win. You are now officially a college student with nothing t....
  • Preventing Stroke in Women of All Ages

    Stroke can happen in an instant, and it can be a life-altering event. It inspires a fair amount of fear and worry in many. And for good reason. A stroke can strike anyone — no matter your age, ethnicity or sex. There is no typical stroke victi.....