• Survey Says: We Want to Hear from You

    As a Medicare Advantage member, we may ask you to participate in the Health Outcomes Survey (HOS). Your survey answers help us better understand and address your health needs. Participants must be enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan or a Prescription…
  • Live Longer: Many Heart Attacks and Strokes Can Be Prevented

    Heart disease and stroke are the first and fifth leading causes of death in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Each year, about 1.5 million Americans suffer a heart attack or stroke. More than 700,000 of…
  • I have a PPO plan, how do I set up my PCP?

    A. Great question. Since you have a PPO plan you don’t have to establish a PCP. You’re free to select any in-network provider you wish to see and you do not need to notify us of which doctor you’ve selected. If you need to find a new PCP you can search…
  • How to Choose Health Care Coverage

    This article is intended for members enrolled in an individual health insurance plan. As you prepare to buy coverage, there is some important information you can gather to help decide what plan is best for you and your family. Who Do You See? Use…
  • Benefits Value Advisor: Tap This Advocate When You Need Help Navigating Health Care

    Your doctor says you need a CT scan. You’ve never had one, so you have a lot of questions. You don’t know where to go or how much it will cost. A Benefits Value Advisor (BVA) can help. The same procedure performed in the same area by different providers…
  • Health Insurance and Pregnancy: The Basics

    Having a baby is life changing. While babies are a blessing, they also cost money – even before they're born. That’s why it’s important to have health insurance before and after you become pregnant. With health insurance maternity benefits, you’ll save…
  • Colabora con tu médico para asegurarte de que tu atención médica esté incluida

    Mantenerte saludable es más fácil cuando entiendes los detalles de tu cobertura médica. Algunos tipos de atención médica y tratamiento requieren aprobación antes de recibir el servicio. A esto se le llama autorización previa. Con una autorización previa…
  • Conceptos básicos sobre el seguro médico: gasto máximo de bolsillo

    Sabemos que la terminología sobre la atención médica puede causar confusión. Un término que seguramente encontrarás es el de "gasto máximo de bolsillo". ¿Qué significa esto? ¿Cómo te afecta a ti y a tu familia? ¿Cómo influye a tu elección de cobertura…
  • Comparison Shop for Your Health Care Services

    This article is intended for members enrolled in an individual health insurance plan. Having a good relationship with your primary care provider (PCP) is an important way to make the most of your health coverage. Your PCP helps make sure you use your…
  • Don't Let the Seasonal Flu Get You

    Getting a flu shot can help you stay healthy. Flu season usually starts in October and peaks between December and February. As many have learned, it can linger through the spring. If you didn't get a flu shot before the start of the season, ask your…
  • Do Your Prescription Drugs Need Prior Authorization?

    Have you ever gone to pick up a new medicine, only to have the pharmacist tell you it needs prior authorization ? It happens to many of us. Here are things you can do to avoid leaving empty handed. When you receive a new prescription, ask your doctor…
  • What Is Coordination of Benefits?

    When you need care and are on two different health insurance plans, your insurers will coordinate your benefits (COB). This helps you get maximum coverage when you need it. If you’re covered by two different health plans, your provider may file the…
  • Ahorra tiempo y dinero con Provider Finder

    Hay mucho en qué pensar al decidir dónde obtener atención médica: costo, redes, ubicación y más. Mantenerte informado no tiene qué ser complicado. Tenemos recursos disponibles para ayudarte a tomar la mejor decisión. Nuestra herramienta en línea Provider…
  • Breast Cancer Complementary Therapies Help Boost Treatment

    Women with breast cancer often have choices for medical treatment. If you're fighting breast cancer, your doctor will make a treatment plan. It might involve surgery, chemotherapy, radiation or immunotherapy. Along with questions about traditional treatments…
  • Think You May Be Depressed? A Screening Can Help

    If you feel down for weeks or longer, and it keeps you from doing your normal, everyday activities, it could be depression. You don’t have to just accept feeling that way. There are steps you can take that may help. What Is Depression? Depression…
  • Good Gum Care May Help Manage Diabetes

    If you have diabetes, it affects your whole body — even your mouth. Don’t skip regular dental checkups. Along with managing your blood sugar levels, dental care helps you keep both your body and mouth healthy. Gum Disease and Blood Sugar Levels Gum…
  • Is It Cold, Flu, Allergies or COVID-19?

    If you have sniffles, sneezes, coughing or sore throat, it can be hard to tell if your symptoms are from allergies, a cold, the flu, COVID-19 or RSV. Until you know for sure what’s causing your symptoms, it’s always good to err on the side of safety…
  • Mantén tu tarjeta de asegurado a la mano

    La tarjeta de asegurado puede parecer un pedazo de plástico insignificante en tu cartera hasta que la necesitas. También la puedes encontrar en una aplicación en tu teléfono. De cualquier manera, tu tarjeta de asegurado es muy importante. ¿Qué más te…