• HIPAA: What More Do You Need to Know?

    When you go to a doctor, dentist or eye doctor, you are asked to sign that you’ve seen their privacy statement. What does that mean? Thanks to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ( HIPAA ), you are reminded at each visit that your…
  • Wellness Guidelines: An Easy Path to Better Health

    One of our goals is to empower our members with information and tools that can help lead you down the path to good health. That’s why we offer new Wellness Guidelines each year that include specific recommendations for preventive care, immunizations…
  • How HMO Insurance Works – Quick Tips Guide

    Millions of people have an HMO health plan. Yet, plenty of them are still a little fuzzy about what that really means. Millions of people have an HMO health plan. Yet, plenty of them are still a little fuzzy about what that really means. HMO stands…
  • Depression: Getting Help

    If you’re one of the many people considering help for depression, your primary care provider is a good place to start. Take the First Step As a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma member, you can start by talking to your doctor or primary care…
  • How Prior Authorization Helps

    Prior Authorization helps make sure prescription medicines are being used safe ly, as intended and at the best cost. Only a handful of drugs need prior authorization, also called pre-approval. Those are often the ones that cost the most or the ones that…
  • Get Ready for Open Enrollment

    If you want to buy a new individual and family health plan or choose a different one, get the details you need before open enrollment starts on Nov. 1. Break the task into easy-to-handle steps. Keep the Deadlines in Mind Open enrollment ends Jan.…
  • High Level Care for High Level Needs: 2 Choices for Immediate Care

    We've shared an overview of the choices you have when small, but urgent health care matters come up. Need a refresher? You can review . Now let’s talk about being ready if something more serious comes your way. How do you know if you should go to an…
  • Breast Pumps Can Help Make Breastfeeding Easier

    Nourishing your newborn baby is one of the most important things you’ll do as a parent. Breastfeeding is a popular option for many parents — and for good reasons. Breast milk provides ideal nutrition that supports a baby’s growth and development. The…
  • Find Healthy Deals with Blue365

    Do your shopping lists never end? Are you a champion bargain hunter? Then Blue365 ® is perfect for you. Blue365 is a discount service that saves you money on a variety of everyday needs and healthy lifestyle aids. How Does It Work? Any member of a…
  • Your Health Plan Covers Reconstructive Surgery After a Mastectomy

    It’s normal to be anxious if you find out you need to have a mastectomy due to breast cancer. A mastectomy is the removal of one or both breasts. This procedure is most often performed to treat breast cancer. If you are facing this surgery, take some…
  • Supporting a Loved One with Cancer

    “I have cancer.” They are three words you never want to hear from a friend, family member or significant other. Learning that a loved one has cancer can be very overwhelming and scary. You probably have a ton of questions you want to ask, but are unsure…
  • Save Money With a Preferred Pharmacy

    Did you know your health plan may offer a preferred pharmacy network? When you use a preferred pharmacy, you pay the lowest out-of-pocket cost on covered prescription drugs. With your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma prescription drug plan, you…
  • Find a Doctor Who's a Good Fit for You

    Sometimes you know it’s time for a change. But what if that change involves finding a new primary care doctor? Maybe you’ve moved, and it’s a long drive to your current doctor. Perhaps you don’t feel heard. Or you just think it would be better to find…
  • It’s Open Enrollment — Time to Choose Your 2025 Plan

    The open enrollment period can be confusing. Premiums. Deductibles. Coinsurance. Networks. We can help. Here are three important steps to help you prepare for this year’s open enrollment for health insurance coverage. Step 1: Make Note of the Deadline…
  • Get the Best Price on Your Prescriptions

    There are many things to know when it comes to getting the medicine you need. How much will it cost? Is there one that will work just as well but cost less? Does it matter where I go to get my prescription filled? And these are just a few. But don’t…
  • Reaching Out Can Make You Feel Better

    Loneliness hurts. People often feel isolated or wish they had more friends. Those feelings happen to people of all ages, even if they are busy and spend time around people. Studies show relationships are key for overall wellbeing. People thrive in safe…
  • Tips for Using Your HMO

    There’s a better way to use your health maintenance organization (HMO) plan. Start with your primary care provider (PCP). Your PCP knows how to help you get the health care you need. It’s an important relationship, because your PCP knows your: Current…
  • Compare Health Care Costs

    Many of us compare prices before we buy a product or service. It’s one of the best ways to be an informed consumer. But we might not think about comparing prices when it comes to our health care benefits. And that’s a missed opportunity because it could…