• Understanding Thyroid Cancer

    Do you know where your thyroid is? Do you know what it does? Small and unassuming, most of us don’t pay it much attention to it. Still, the butterfly-shaped gland makes important hormones. These hormones regulate our metabolism – the way ...
  • Fuel Your Brain: What Foods Support Mental Health?

    If you pay attention, your body will tell you if what you’re eating is good for it or not. You may feel energized after a healthy meal. Revived from drinking a tall glass of water. Or you may feel sluggish if you eat too much. Or uncomfortable ....
  • Not Sleeping Well? Done Right, Daily Activity Can Help

    If sleeping doesn’t come easy, you’ve probably already tried a few things you thought might help. If they didn’t help, there may be another option — more activity each day. It may seem odd to say that more activity can help yo...
  • How Serious is Cirrhosis?

    Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma (BCBSOK) works closely with Loyola University School of Medicine to support research about cirrhosis of the liver. By doing so, we help doctors anticipate and treat the growing number of cases they now see....
  • Pregnancy with Gestational Diabetes

    Angela R. had her first child when she was 21. Fifteen years later, she learned she was expecting her second at the age of 36. While her first pregnancy went smoothly, a complication rose its head 25 weeks into her second. Gestational diabetes. &ldqu...
  • What Does Your Thyroid Do?

    Everyone is born with a thyroid. It’s the “butterfly-shaped” gland in the lower front part of your neck. It sits right below the Adam’s Apple. The thyroid gland makes two hormones – T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxin...
  • Health Insurance and Pregnancy: The Basics

    Having a baby is life changing. While babies are a blessing, they also cost money – even before they're born. That’s why it’s important to have health insurance before and after you become pregnant. With health insurance maternity b...
  • Are You Prepared for Earthquakes?

    How do you prepare for the unexpected? What do you do when something you hoped you’d never experience suddenly happens? While an earthquake can happen anywhere, there some parts of the United States that have a higher risk. People in Alaska, Ca....
  • Fall and Wintertime Skin Care: How to Prevent and Treat Dry Skin

    The leaves are falling, the holidays are just around the corner. So is something else. Itchy skin. Yep, as the seasons change, so does your skin. The skin routine you use in the summer may not work so well in the fall and winter when humidity dr...
  • A Parent’s Nightmare: When Kids Can’t Sleep

    At the end of a long, hard day, nothing looks more inviting than a soft bed and fluffy pillow. Snuggling under a fluffy duvet or layers of soft blankets may seem like a little bit of heaven. Until your kid wanders in and tells you he can’t slee....
  • 8 Surprising Facts about Arthritis

    Humans have walked the Earth for nearly six million years, so you can be sure arthritis isn’t anything new. Even our earliest ancestors suffered through their fair share of stiff, aching joints. The struggle to remain flexible and mobile can be....
  • Stay Active During Winter

    Don’t put a freeze on family fun this winter. Your kids need physical activity to stay healthy. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says young people ages six to 17 need 60 minutes of activity daily. For today’s bu...
  • Work Stress Overwhelming? Take These 3 Steps

    Can you successfully manage stress to have a better life? Or is it like retirement on the Riviera — nice to dream about but almost impossible to achieve? Like much of life, it depends. Americans are stressed. Over 75 percent of respondents in a....
  • Get the Scoop on Those Sneaky Added Sugars

    There’s a sneaky marauder making its way through your body, and it’s out to do you harm. Its name is sugar. You may not always know how it got there, but it can hurt you. Sugar is in fruits and vegetables and other foods that are part of ...
  • Lower Stress with Organization

    Are you stressed because your house is a mess, you’re always late, you don’t eat right, and you never get enough sleep? If this sounds familiar, you could probably stand to be more organized. You may think organization sounds great; but i...