• Help is Available for Members Affected by Natural Disasters

    Recovering from a natural disaster is never easy. We're here to help our members when tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes and severe weather cause havoc. If you've been affected by a natural disaster, we can help you: Find a doctor of hospital …
  • ¿Cómo usar el portal protegido Blue Access for Members?

    ¿Está aprovechando todos los excelentes beneficios de Blue Access for Members SM ? BAM SM es el portal protegido para asegurados en el que puede hacer lo siguiente: verificar el estado e historial de su reclamación; confirmar que los miembros…
  • Why does it take so long to get any questions or issues resolved when calling member services?

    I became a member of BCBS in November, and because of how narrow filters and unhelpful the online customer service person or AI, I have to call.. Every time I call customer service, 90% of the time the person barely speaks english, they put you on hold…
  • Having a Health Care Procedure? You Could Earn Cash with Members Rewards*

    Did you know you can shop and compare costs for over 1,700 health care procedures online using our Provider Finder ® tool? Just like shopping for new tires for your car or a new computer, doing a little comparison shopping can really pay off. The price…
  • regarding member rewards, I am looking for reward eligible location for CT scan in Tulsa OK

    Looking for reward eligible location for CT Scan in Tulsa OK
  • Family members deductible

    When I log into my bcbsok account, all I am able to see is my info. How can I see my children a d husbands deductible and info?
  • RE: non biological family member coverage?

    Hi Selena, We have responded to your private message. ~ Kayla
  • I've been a BCBSOK member for years. Why am I having to create a new login to find out my account information?

    I've been a BCBSOK member for years. Why am I having to create a new login to find out my account information? First the website was in Oklahoma, then it was in Illinois, now I'm at another new address, and it's acting like I've never been here before…
  • RE: Lost card and need member and group number

    Hello, We have responded to your private message. ~ Kayla
  • Customer Survey Results: How Did We Do?

    Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma conducts an ongoing phone survey to find out what our members think about their health plan. Every month, members are asked about their interaction with their health plan and their doctors and hospitals. We use…
  • How can i get my membet id number

    How can i get my member id number
  • Find Out If You Have a Copay Before You Go to the Doctor

    Before visiting your network health care provider, check to see if you’ll need to make a copay. You can find out your copay amount by looking at your member ID card or checking your benefit booklet or health plan contract. You can also call the customer…
  • We Can Help You Understand Your Health Plan

    This article is intended for HMO members. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma and BlueLincs HMO SM support our members’ communication needs. We use software to help make sure the information we send is easy to understand. If you are language…
  • How to Register

    As a member of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, your Blue Access for Members SM account puts important health plan information at your fingertips. Set up your BAM account to: Find a doctor or hospital in-network Check claim status and history…
  • Know Your Plan, Know Your Benefits

    This article is intended for HMO members. As an informed consumer, you should know about the benefit exclusions and limits of your health plan. Your BlueLincs HMO SM exclusions and limits are listed in your schedule of benefits. To see the exclusions…
  • Learn About Our Privacy Practices

    Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma is committed to protecting our members' health information. You may have received information about our Notice of Privacy Practices (NOPP) on an Explanation of Benefits or ID card mailer. You can get BCBSOK’s…
  • Earn Rewards for Healthy Actions

    Blue Cross Medicare Advantage SM members can earn up to $100 in gift cards for Healthy Actions.* Whether it’s scheduling your annual wellness visit or getting your flu shot, now you can earn rewards while taking care of your health. Here are Healthy…